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What even is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Lia Palomino

Pelvic floor physical therapy (ie. pelvic floor therapy, pelvic rehab, pelvic health, etc) are terms becoming much common on social media and in internet searches these days. But sometimes it's hard to know what really is it? 'How do I know if I need it?' 'What do you do at those therapy sessions?' These questions can also deter someone from seeking care if the answers are unknown.

So What is Pelvic Floor PT? In the most plan description-- I would say it is physical therapy to improve function of the "pelvic floor". Well you might be thinking what is the pelvic floor?? It is a group of muscles in the bottom of the pelvis that play primary roles in bladder, bowel and sexual function, support of of pelvic organs, and functions as part of our "core" (in coordination with abdominal, back, and hip muscles) And in both women AND men. Yes, fellas you have pelvic floors too!

Pelvic floor physical therapy might be indicated if you are experiencing any symptoms that could be caused by pelvic floor DYSFUNCTION. Common symptoms in laymen's terms include: peeing your pants, pooping your pants, burning when peeing, weak stream, going to the bathroom too many times in the day and/or night, constipation, straining too hard to poop, pain during or after sex, pain of the genitals, feeling like something is falling out of your vagina or rectum, pubic pain, hip pain, even low back pain-- and pelvic floor PT is also about PREVENTION of pelvic floor DYSFUNCTION in times where pelvic floor may be at risk-- ie. pregnancy and labor/delivery.

So how do you fix these things with Pelvic floor PT?! (and no, the answer is NOT just kegels)

It is first evaluating to see is your pelvic floor weak, tight, painful, does it have poor coordination, does it not have proper support from the abdominal or hip muscles, is it stressed because other areas of your body (feet, hips, back, ribcage, neck, shoulders etc) aren't functioning optimally, then the pelvic floor takes the brunt... And then using physical therapy interventions like manual therapies, exercises, movement corrections, breathing strategies, mobilizations, stretching etc to treat what we find on YOUR evaluation to regain FUNCTION of your pelvic floor.

Doesn't sound so scary does it?

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